Work with me

Are you ready to shake shit up? Burn it all down? Come up with 27 ways to say no that roll off the tongue effortlessly and allow you to do the work you enjoy, for the clients that you love, in the hours you want to work? Of course you do. Let’s go!

Rachel Gronback Digital Marketing Coach

Do you need me?

✔ You’re always overdelivering because you’re worried your work isn’t enough

✔ Your haven’t enjoyed a work-free weekend or holiday in a while

✔ You often question your skills, knowledge and abilities

✔ You’re feeling tired and uninspired

✔ You have clients who make you feel sweaty + anxious 🤮

✔ You are too busy growing other people’s businesses to spend time on yours

✔ You don’t know where to start when it comes to re-developing your services

✔ You suffer from shiny object syndrome and want to focus on your goals

No Bullshit Business Club

High-level mentoring to build a strong AF business to free you from the boring business blueprint that has been keeping you stuck.

This is a community of women in digital services businesses who are saying fuck yes to developing an unshakeable self-belief. Who value the freedom and flexibility business ownership brings to their lives, and fiercely want to protect that without losing themselves and their sanity in the process.

The number one rule of the No BS Business Club… We don’t let the bullshit get in our way:

Other people’s bullshit
Client bullshit
And especially not your own bullshit

  • You’re a woman in digital marketing services (or adjacent!). What you want is carefully curated business knowledge + know how delivered effectively without tonnes of time commitment.

    You are ready to put yourself first for 6 months.

    Being part of a kick ass community + receiving support from a wider network of women who GET IT is just the exciting icing on the cake.

  • 6 month membership with payment plan options. Hit join the club for full payment options.

Get Shit Done Session

Looking for an outside opinion on your digital services business from someone that isn’t your Mother? Sick of asking questions in free Facebook groups full of well meaning people who don’t quite get it? This session is basically your opportunity to get expert eyes on your business and get you immediately unstuck.

Are you ready to get 👏shit 👏 done 👏 + move on?

  • You're a service provider with a problem.

    You want me to look at your client work because you’re lacking a second pair of eyes? Sure thing.

    You want to run your customer sales ladder by me? DONE.

    You want a sounding board on your team structure? Amazing.

    Wanna brainstorm your next campaign? Yaaas let’s go.

    You need a business bestie urgently because some weird business shit has got you feeling off? I am HERE.

  • $500 NZD paid at booking

  • 60mins together

    The call recording

    My post call notes and thoughts via email.

    Just between you and I people who book this call often make back their investment within a month through the changes they implement on the back of what we discuss. It's a game changer, and you're only ever allowed to book one of them.

These sessions are perfect for you if

You work in digital marketing or marketing adjacent roles i.e virtual assistant, blogger

You're looking for an unbiased third-party insight from someone who knows their shit

You need someone to remind you of your worth, skills and capabilities

You are ready to make changes but need someone to hold you accountable

You want help to nail any blind spots and get to the root of your struggles

You want to get off the hamster wheel and start going places

1-1 Coaching

I’ll help you discover what you really want from your business and map out how to get there. Each session is led by you and is space for you to get advice, vent, and brain storm. Together we create a game plan for creating that business you’ve always dreamed of and I’m here to remind you that you’re 100% capable of nailing it - imposter syndrome who? Let’s build your dream business.

  • Ambitious agency owners or emerging agency owners who have big moves ahead of them.

    You’ve got runs on the board. You know what you love doing vs what you hate doing. You know how to sell. You know how to scope up projects. You know your pricing is pretty good.

    But you want to make changes to how you do business, and what you offer, you know you need to be more intentional about your business growth plans. And if you lead a team you need SPACE and focus to do it.

    You are a very talented creative who suddenly finds themselves less creative and more work-mother, balancing your role of people leader striving to manage your team the best way possible - profitably. ethically and without burning out.

    Hello, yes I see you.

  • Pricing starts from $5000 NZD/$3300 USD for 6 months for one on one coaching consulting.

    Pricing is available for leadership team coaching - just ask!

  • Each session is bespoke & led by you but often includes:

    • Your sales funnel

    • Systems, software and process improvement opportunities

    • Pricing

    • Services

    • Client management challenges

    • Your team + resourcing

    • Your marketing

Working with me,
your business bestie

I am an analytical problem solver with incredible empathy and enthusiasm for women who want to do things differently. I can help solve the problems, but I also trust that you know your shit and don’t always need my answers.

In my 1:1 sessions, I get to the heart of what truly makes a difference for you and your family:

  • Yes increased profitability.

  • Yes working fewer hours.

  • But also freedom, flexibility, prioritising yourself ALWAYS and the permission not to be perfect.

I don’t believe in taking NO for an answer, I believe in just making the next decision that gets you closer to your goals. There is always another option, even if it’s not the ideal perfect end-game solution.

I’m not for everybody & that’s okay…

Book a free 30 min call and let’s see if i’m the Iron Man to your Spiderman