Hey, I’m Rachel

If you’re thinking of swiping right: I’m a Sagittarius, Marvel movie aficionado, mum of one cheeky toddler, 🦪 oyster obsessed 🦪, marketing professional who has a strong distaste for the word professional… and yeah, I drop an f bomb pretty fucking regularly (sorry Mum). Also never call me Rachie. Ever.

I’ve been a fashion blogger, IT project manager, data analyst, marketing agency dogsbody and business owner - my CV is quite the ride!

But it was a couple of years into my personal business ownership journey that my peers began to ask shyly if I would mentor them which led to a holy shit moment - because working with women to grow their businesses is where it’s at 😍

Why I do what I do

I know what it’s like to chronically undervalue yourself and what you deliver for your clients. I know how often mind-fuckery like low confidence and imposter syndrome can lead to making business decisions that are keeping you stuck. I know what it’s like juggling work life and family life. I know what it’s like to struggle with client management + boundaries + saying no. I know what it’s like to try to grow a business around pregnancy and newborn babies.

I know what it’s like to burn out in roles you hate, including the role as business owner. And who starts a business intending to hate their job?! No one. That’s a hard no from me.

✨ PSA: Hustling until you hate your business and you’re miserable is not sustainable or winning at life. ✨

✨ PSA: Hustling until you hate your business and you’re miserable is not sustainable or winning at life. ✨

I have over ten years digital marketing experience so I have seen A LOT. I have some STORIES. But more importantly I created my digital marketing consultancy business in 2017 & within the first year generated six figures by working my ass off. That’s not a humble brag. People thought I was living the dream, but in reality I was a misery to be around. Walking a fine line of burnout and my mental health suffering I knew something had to change and that I had stumbled into an accidental girl boss, “just say yes”, hustle, more is more approach to business… which was in no way sustainable.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you.

I want to be the coach, mentor + business bestie I needed when I started my own business, so you can avoid all my years of under charging, all the times I said yes when I meant absolutely fucking not. And most importantly quit directionless revenue chasing so you can build a business with your needs (and profit) at it’s core.

My aim is to relentlessly instil a sense of belonging, inclusion and empowerment among women in digital services businesses so they can embrace their unique expertise + their inherent value + go their own way.

  • Adria - Grahn Creative

    “Rachel took me from ‘what the hell am I doing this for?’ to ‘fuck yes, I know exactly why I’m doing this!’

    I no longer feel like I’m in the race - I’m running on my own track and I know exactly where I’m doing and what I need to do to get me there, but more importantly, she validated the WHY.  Rachel helped me feel more valued and more purposeful and more confident in the services I deliver because she truly gets it.  If you’re thinking about working with Rachel - stop thinking. She will clarify your thoughts and set you on a path to sorting your business out. The right business coach is not a nice to have - it’s a must have for anyone who wants to make it work.”

  • Lisa - Wild Mustard

    “As a result of your support - and I am bolding and yelling that word, support -  I have clearer vision, my mindset blocks are identified and removed, I have an understanding of outcome based pricing and messaging, and my client management processes and communication is hugely improved.  I've gone from feeling as if I am flailing to nailing it. Before you I was drowning in burnout, overwhelm and confusion and getting paid peanuts  - and now I am setting and managing goals and targets at triple what I was charging before without needing to pull all nighters (well not too many lol but that's on me) to get there.”

  • Janine - Pitchfork

    “Rachel provided me with practical useful advice that I could put into action straight away to refine my offer, and create better boundaries. I've had a tough conversation with a client about expectations, written out more ideas on how I could better service my ideal clients and made some tweaks to my proposal template to help get clearer on what I will (and won't) deliver.  Rachel is top of my list for coaching support to really push my business forward to the next level. I have complete confidence in her straight-up practical approach from years of working with small company's like mine.”

  • Ainslee - Brain Under Construction

    “Rachel has a way with words, she is able to clear away the clutter and emotion that a lot of us small business owners have and cut straight to the core of the problem and within minutes has a straight forward, easy to implement solution. Her expertise is not only in business, but communication. Communication with me as a client, but also how I can optimise how I communicate my brand to the wider community. Rachel's depth of knowledge for processes and removing unnecessary complication allows for streamlining of the business and she is serious about ensuring you can achieve a work like balance rather than let you work 27/7 get paid under minimum wage for your expertise. I would highly recommend Rachel to any small business that needs an extra level of support that actually increases the value of your business and your work/life balance. From mindset to actionable steps to streamline business and increase revenue Rachel is your gal.”

Follow me on the ‘gram @rachel.your.digital.coach