Three Crucial Reasons to Use Your Own Meta Business Manager

Let’s kick off with the undeniable fact that Meta Facebook Business Manager is best practice for agencies & contractors working on client assets. Full stop end of sentence.

However so many of us began our digital marketing & social media professional lives being added directly to Facebook pages…. and sometimes it’s easier to stick to what you know right?

While striving for good business practices should be a given (know better, do better), there are also tangible benefits to your growing online services business to use Facebook Business Manager to manage your clients.

So if you are supporting more than one client on Facebook providing organic social or managing Instagram or Facebook Ads…. it’s time to use Business Manager properly, let’s go!


Access to more support from Meta and Facebook - so you can help more clients!

There is an undeniable cumulative benefit to adding clients to your own Business Manager…. the total amount spent across all of the ad accounts you have access to appears to be what determines the level of Facebook support you personally can access.

Simply, the more clients who are spending money with Facebook who are connected to you, the better chance you have to be able resolve issues for your clients. Being someone who can talk to Facebook directly for clients is a well sought after service, I still field requests every single week that I pass on to digital marketers like you.

If you want to ensure your clients are setup for success and can access the best & latest in Facebook integrations as well as run their business safely online following best practice then consider offering Facebook Business Manager setup as part of your packages. It is so important that I recommend making use of Facebook Business Manager a non negotiable for clients who want me to work on their business.

Keeping your own Facebook accounts safe from client mistakes & policy violations

We love our clients but sometimes they do stuff we don’t know about.

Using Facebook Business Manager means if your client happens to do something that Facebook isn’t happy about - like posting content that goes against community standards or continually attempting to publish ads that violate Facebook policies without editing the policy violation out first, then you can simply remove them as a partner before it affects you.

Sounds a bit cold right? But the safety & reputation of your business with the behemoth that is Facebook is crucial to being able to run a success online services business.

These types of disabled or restricted account scenarios should be covered in your sales & onboarding process (ie documented and agreed to by your clients before work starts) so you both know where you stand if or when something goes wrong with a client’s account.

Is this really that big of an issue for digital marketers? Um yes. Once I was shut out of my account for three days due to a client accidentally violating terms of service. I couldn’t access forty client accounts or my own. Financial cost aside, it was stressful AF.

When you are connected directly to an account with a poor quality score you may become attached to the violations occurring on that Facebook page or ad account - either immediately or over time as your account racks up further violations. You can avoid all of this by using Facebook Business Manager and partnering with your clients.

If you want to avoid stressful situations and tough conversations regarding who is at fault, make sure you are providing all clients with a Terms of Service, Letter of Engagement or proposal as part of your sales process. This should detail what is included or excluded as part of your work - and I suggest specifically mentioning disabled accounts & policy violations.

Natalie Coombe has a helpful blog on how to protect yourself & reputation with some simple additions to your quotes & proposals to ensure all parties are on the same page before work is agreed. I’ve used this format in my proposals for years and it is *chefs kiss*

Meta Facebook Business Manager can help you to become a Facebook and Instagram expert

We’ve already covered that the more accounts attached to your Business Manager = more value for your clients, as well as more opportunities for you to position yourself as an expert.

But Meta rewards agencies and businesses using Meta Facebook Business Manager and specifically those with a number of client partners by providing access to marketing partnership programmes, exclusive learning opportunities and one on one support.

Other high-users of Meta Facebook Business Manager may be assigned a Meta rep who will monitor any problems you raise through support chat or forms - providing you with a real human being to discuss your issues with.

How helpful is that?

Your to do list

  • Embrace Meta Facebook Business Manager ASAP

  • Create your own Meta Facebook Business Manager - yes you ARE an agency if you manage clients

  • Convert your current clients to partners inside your Meta Facebook Business Manager

  • Consider offering Meta Facebook Business Manager setup as a service

  • Ensure you are using Terms of Service and/or Letter of Engagement template in your proposals/quotes

If you want to learn how to run your online services business more effectively, including your client management & onboarding processes, book a free 30 min call straight into my diary.


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